Tuesday 5 July 2011


One of the few updates I wanted to do before we moved in was to remove the wallpaper and paint the house. I've read and been told that removing wallpaper required patience.Ha! Total understatement.

We started in one of the bedrooms - came off pretty easily. I thought piece of cake - those DIY forums have got it ALL wrong.

WRONG! I was purely mistaken. The ease we had in the first bedroom did not pass onto the rest of the house. Moved on into the hallway, getting a little harder to peel and remove the glue. Moved onto the entry and then the lounge. Three days later - and lots of help from family - we got it done....I think.

We worked from 7am to 11pm for two days and 9am to 6pm the other. Lots of elbow grease involved but we should be ready to paint.

One of the wallpaper patterns

And another.

So the work begins...


Glue residue

Family working @ 11.30pm

Fix me up!

The boys and their toys.

I'm just glad it's over.

♥ B.

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